Balliol College Archives & Manuscripts

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Personal and Family Archives/Manuscripts/Papers/Collections: finding related material

Records created by and relating to individuals throughout their lives can end up in archives across the country and around the world. There is no single union catalogue for all archives, manuscripts and personal papers in the UK. Here are a few sources for further research:

Archives Hub

National Archives - Discovery catalogue. For specific individuals, try the 'Record creator' tab under 'Advanced search'.


Scottish Archives Network (SCaN)

Welsh Archives Network (CYMAL)

literary papers database

clergy database

missions database

- Anna Sander

You do not need to request permission to download or print one copy of any of the images on these pages for your personal private study or research purposes.
You do need to request permission in writing to use any of these images for any publication in any format, including any use on a website.

The archives and manuscripts of Balliol College are open by appointment to enquirers in person at the Historic Collections Centre in St Cross Church, Holywell.
Enquiries should be sent in writing (email or post).
There is no charge for Archive enquiries, but donations for Archive purposes are always appreciated.
Updated 10.viii.17
Balliol College
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